Bill LR Numbers are identifiers used to uniquely identify documents based on their current status. The format is shared between the Missouri House of Representatives, Missouri Senate and Legislative Research/Revisor of Statutes.
The guide here is specific to the Missouri House of Representatives. The Missouri Senate may use additional codes.
- 0001 - The first four characters are the assigned Base Number, zero-padded. With specific exceptions (budget bills), this has no relation to the bill number, so HB 1400 may have Base Number 2658, for example.
A Base Number is allocated to every bill, resolution or other procedural document in the draft phase across both chambers, and are only assigned their respective bill, resolution or other procedural document numbers when Introduced, so Base Numbers may not be sequential.
- H - The fifth character is the Chamber of Origin. H-House, S-Senate, L-Legislative Research (no longer used from 2017 onward).
- 01 - The seventh and eighth characters are the "Dash" number, a zero-padded, 2-digit number that indicates the version of the document.
This will begin counting from the first draft, meaning it is possible for a bill to be introduced with a number greater than 1. This number will only increment if the text of the bill changes, meaning if a bill comes
out of Committee and goes through Perfection with no amendments, the Committee and Perfected versions may have the same Dash number.
- I - The final, ninth character is the Version. This is a single-character code for the version of the document.
Version codes in chronological order:
- I - Introduced
- C - Committee Substitute
- P - Perfected
- R - Re-Perfected
- E - Perfected with Provision or Effective Date
- D - Perfected with Perfecting Amendment
- F - Floor Substitute
- S - Conference Committee Substitute
- T - Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed