Missouri House of Representatives: XML Bill Export Instructions
Due to increased load from "scraping" technology used to gather data from our servers, the Missouri House of Representatives has begun generating several
XML files which should allow more efficient download of information while minimizing load on our servers.
- These bill files will be updated on an hourly schedule, then uploaded to the server. The job is scheduled so that scripts run on the hour should pick up the latest version.
- In the Bill List XML File, the date and time of last update is given. To reduce your own bandwidth usage, you may wish to script to only pull documents updated since your last data retrieval.
- Do not automate scripts to pull down information more often than once every half hour. This will not benefit you, and will cause unecessary load.
- Scripts which cause undue load, either by repeated "scraping" of web pages, or excessive polling of the XML Exports may be temporarily blocked at the discretion of House Information Systems.
- This data is made available for public use, however, we do not support technology external to the Missouri House of Representatives.
XML Format:
- BillInformation - The top level element.
- BillNumber - occurs once per document and includes the bill identifier within the session (eg. HJR28, HB1150).
- CurrentBillString - occurs once per document. Identifies current version infomation within the session (eg. SCS HB 11, HCS HB 345).
- PastSessionAppropriationBill - This will only show up on Appropriation Bills rolled over from past sessions for Administrative purposes.
- SubstitutedBy - Identifies whether bill has been combined with another bill via a substitute.
- ParentBillString - The bill identifier for the Parent Bill within the sesison (eg. HJR28, HB1150).
- ParentBillLink - Link on the House website to the Parent Bill.
Title - occurs once per document and includes the current bill titles.
- ShortTitle - The title given to the bill.
- LongTitle - A short description of the bill.
- ProposedEffectiveDate - The proposed date in which the bill goes into effect. Is officially the effective date once the bill is sent to the Secretary of the State.
- CurrentLRNumber - The unique identifier for the bills most current text version.
- GovernorLastAction - Details about the Governor's Last Action on a Bill
- GovernorAction - The Action, preceded by the date, that the Governor took on the bill.
- GovernorsVetoLetter - The URL to the House copy of the Governor's Veto Letter.
- LastAction - The Last Action for the Bill.
- NextHouseHearing - The Next upcoming hearing for the bill (eg. Children and Families - Date: 02/20/2024 Time: 8:00AM Location: House Hearing Room 6). If there isn't a hearing upcoming "Hearing not scheduled" will be displayed.
- Calendar - The Bills current Calendar (eg. HOUSE BILLS FOR SECOND READING). If it isn't currently on a Calendar "Bill currently not on a House calendar" will be displayed.
Action - Details an action taken on a legislation.
- Link - Links to the summary information for the legislation.
- Description - The description of the action.
- Guid - a unique identifier for the action. (Not related to "globally unique identifier".)
- ActivitySequence - The sequence in which the bill activities are ordered
- PubDate - Date on which the action was logged.
- Comments - Additional notes regarding action (where applicable)
- RollCall - Individual Roll Call information (where applicable)
- TotalYes - Total "yes" votes
- TotalNo - Total "no" votes
- TotalPresent - Total "present" votes
- HouseJournalStartPage - Page of House Journal where this action begins being recorded (where applicable)
- HouseJournalEndPage - Page of House Journal where this action finishes being recorded (where applicable)
- SenateJournalStartPage - Page of Senate Journal where this action begins being recorded (where applicable)
- SenateJournalEndPage - Page of Senate Journal where this action finishes being recorded (where applicable)
- JournalLink - Link to House Journal OR Senate Journal list page (where applicable)
Amendment - Details an amendment to the legislation.
- AmendmentText - Link to PDF of the amendment text.
- LRNumber - unique identifier for the Amendment.
- Status - Status code of the amendment. (G: Distributed, O: Offered, W: Withdrawn, etc.)
- StatusDescription - Description associated with Status Code.
- AmendmentDescription - The description of the amendment (eg. HA 1, HA 1 to HA 1, etc.).
- Sponsor - The sponsor of the amendment
- RollCalls - List of Roll Calls (where applicable)
- RollCall - Individual Roll Call information (where applicable)
- RollCallPDF - Roll Call vote detail PDF link
- SessionDay - Sequential number of the given day in session on which the roll call was taken
- RollCallNumber - Sequential number of the roll call within a Session Day
- TotalYes - Total "yes" votes
- TotalNo - Total "no" votes
- TotalPresent - Total "present" votes
Sponsor - Sponsor/Co-Sponsor of the legislation.
- SponsorType - Type of Sponsor (Sponsor/Co-Sponsor).
- FullName - Name of the Member sponsoring the legislation.
- District - District of the Member sponsoring the legislation.
BillText - Text of the bill. One will appear for each version of the bill text.
- BillTextLink - PDF of the text of a given version of the bill.
- LRNumber - unique identifier for the Bill Text.
- DocumentName - Name of a given version of the bill.
- WebName - Shorthand name of a given version of the bill which is used on the House Website.
- VersionTypeCode - Code for a given version of the bill.
- RollCalls - List of Roll Calls (where applicable)
- RollCall - Individual Roll Call information (where applicable)
- RollCallPDF - Roll Call vote detail PDF link
- SessionDay - Sequential number of the given day in session on which the roll call was taken
- RollCallNumber - Sequential number of the roll call within a Session Day
- TotalYes - Total "yes" votes
- TotalNo - Total "no" votes
- TotalPresent - Total "present" votes
SummarySheet - Summary of the statues affected by the bill.
- SummarySheetLink - PDF of the Summary Sheet.
BillSummary - Summary of the bill. One will appear for each version of the bill.
- SummaryTextLink - PDF of the summary of a given version of the bill.
- LRNumber - unique identifier for the Bill Summary.
- DocumentName - Name a given version of the bill.
- VersionTypeCode - Code for a given version of the bill.
FiscalNotes - Fiscal Notes information.
- FiscalNoteLink - Link to Fiscal Notes hosted by the Missouri General Assembly (not managed by the Missouri House of Representatives).
Hearings - Hearings held on the bill. One will appear for each hearing that has occurred or is planned for the bill.
- CommName - Name of the Committee.
- NoticeDate - Date of the Hearing per the hearing notice.
- NoticeTime - Time of the Hearing per the hearing notice.
- Location - Location of the Hearing per the hearing notice.
- Comments - Additional details regarding the Hearing.
- AltTime - Text descriptor of Hearing time (eg. Upon Morning Adjournment).
Witness - Witness forms (where applicable)
- WitnessFormsLink - Link to PDF of witness forms.
- WitnessFormsLinkDescription - Additional descriptor text to identify between multiple witness forms (not on most bills).
SubjectIndex - Each Subject Index for the bill.
- SubjectID - Unique Subject ID.
- SubjectName - A Subject Index Description for the bill.