Missouri House of Representatives: XML Hearing Export Instructions
Due to increased load from "scraping" technology used to gather data from our servers, the Missouri House of Representatives has begun generating several
XML files which should allow more efficient download of information while minimizing load on our servers.
- The Upcoming Hearing XML File will be updated every 24 hours for the current days and future hearings, then uploaded to the server.
- Do not automate scripts to pull down information more often than once every half hour. This will not benefit you, and will cause unecessary load.
- Scripts which cause undue load, either by repeated "scraping" of web pages, or excessive polling of the XML Exports may be temporarily blocked at the discretion of House Information Systems.
- This data is made available for public use, however, we do not support technology external to the Missouri House of Representatives.
XML Format:
- HearingInfo - The top level element for each individual Hearing.
- CommitteeName - The name of the Committee responsible for the Hearing.
- CommitteeChairFirstName - The first name of the Committee Chairman.
- CommitteeChairLastName - The last name of the Committee Chairman.
- CommitteeChairDistrict - The district of the Committee Chairman.
- CommitteeChairChamber - The Chamber that the Committee Chair belongs to (eg. House, Senate).
- HearingLocation - Location where Hearing will take place.
- HearingDate - Date the Hearing will take place (mm/dd/yyyy).
- HearingTime - Time the Hearing will take place (Either a time like 11:00AM or a custom string such as Upon Afternoon Adjournment).
- Comments - Comments and information about the hearing provided by the hearing staff.
- HearingID - Identifying number for each Committee Hearing.
- CommitteeID - Identifying number for Hearings Committee.
- HearingStatus - Current status of the Committee (eg. Created, Amended, Cancelled, etc.).
- HearingProgress - Progress of Hearing (eg. Adjourned, Upcoming, Recess, In Progress, etc.).
- AdjournedTime - Time Hearing adjourned, if applicable (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:sstt).
- NoticeExecutiveSession - Boolean indicating whether Hearing will have an executive session (eg. True or False).
- ApprovedTimeStamp - Timestamp of last modification (where applicable).
- HearingBills - The top level element for all bills in the Hearing.
- HearingBill - The top level element for each individual bill in the Hearing.
- CurrentBillString - Bill string including version information (eg. HCS HB 1, etc.).
- BillType - The type of the bill (eg. HB, HJR, etc.).
- BillNumber - The number of the bill.
- SponsorFirstName - First Name of the Bill Sponsor.
- SponsorLastName - Last Name of the Bill Sponsor.
- SponsorDistrict - District the Bill Sponsor.
- SponsorChamber - The Chamber that the Bill Sponsor belongs to (eg. House, Senate).
- ShortTitle - Short Title of the Bill.
- ExecutiveSession - Boolean indicating whether Bill had an executive session (eg. True or False).
- PublicHearing - Boolean indicating whether Bill had a public hearing (eg. True or False).
- CommitteeNoticeBillSequence - Integer sequence number of each bill in the Hearing.